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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Complete Dream Album

Low Entropy's Music Producer Dream Diary

Dream completion

I dreamed I was looking at a small house, somewhat remove. A golden, orange, red and yellow light, or glow, was coming from it.
And music was playing that was unlike everything I heard in a waking state. It seemed to consists of harmonies and melodies that were physically impossible; beyond scales, and notions of consonance and dissonance. But most importantly, these sounds gave me a feel of total satisfaction, redemption, salvation, bliss and love. As if one had reached a state where no worries or hurt could exist anymore; only fulfillment, love, and ecstasy.

As I heard this music playing, I saw a women with golden hair and dressed in white clothes standing next to that house; and as the tune played on, her legs began to extend themselves and her body began to raise upwards, to the sky.

When I woke up, I was still completely euphoric, but I also thought "oh boy, you should have never dreamed that dream".

Because almost all my life as a producer, I had been searching for, and trying to create, this "perfect" melody, that sends one to a state of complete happiness and satisfaction without flaw, and without end.

I had just made peace with the thought that this "perfect tune" does not exist, could not exist. And that I should be happy with what I was able to create.

Having had this dream, I know I was bound to go on the hunt once more.

And I did.
I created a whole album out of the inspiration of this one dream. Almost 80 minutes.
The dream and subsequent dreams, nap dreams and mindfulness "states" gave me further inspirations / instructions on how I could go on about creating these melodies I had been searching for since decades.
And I tried to turn this into sound. Did I succeed? Yes, at least in some way, on a small scale. Essentially, the melodies that I created evoked the feelings I mentioned in me (it's clear that not every listener will feel the same way.)

This gave me a sense of completion, and also the idea that now that I'm finished with my quest, I could leave my music production activities behind me, and focus on other things in life.

And here is the album:

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