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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Introducing the 90s Hardcore Techno Tribute Mix Database

(TL;DR) A list of tribute DJ mixes about 90s hardcore techno artists, labels, and more.
Usually focusing on the more underground, lesser known stuff. 

While the 90s era of Hardcore Techno seemed to be heavily ignored during the "Millennium phase", in recent years there has been growing interest in this very special period of Hardcore History again.
Amongst other things, this shows in the increasing number of "Tribute Mixes" that are being made regarding artists, labels, styles, and even themes of this unforgettable era.

Thus I had the idea to build a kind of database for these types of mixes.
So here it is.

A list of tribute DJ mixes about 90s hardcore techno artists, labels, and more.
Usually focusing on the more underground, lesser known stuff.

The body of the Hardcore scene has already done a lot of changing.
But that’s only the beginning.
The beginning of the new flesh.
To become the new flesh you have to embrace the old flesh.

Long live the new flesh!

So far these are mostly my own mixes (simply because I could look them up easily, but not those of others).

Help me build this database - if you want to submit a mix for the list, contact me at: low.entropy.80@gmail.com subject "Hardcore Mix Database".

Eligible are all mixes that focus on 90s Hardcore and related styles (like Doomcore, Acidcore, Speedcore, Breakcore, even Techno).
The vast majority of the tracks used in the mix should be from the 90s (obviously).
It's okay if other styles (and eras) of music are used in a special way; like, say, using a classical composition as the intro, using a rap song in a break, or going out with a Noize track - whatever.
It can also be okay if you mix 90s Hardcore and genres related to it.
After all, there is no clear defined "border" between Techno, Acid, other music from the 90s, and the earliest Hardcore releases; these scenes bled into each other, and this music was often played at the same parties, and in the same sets.

If there is one or two Hardcore tracks from a date after the 90s in the mix, and they are used in a way that can be explained, this can be okay, too - in some rare cases. For example, closing the mix with a newer remix of a classic 90s track. 
But it is preferable if there is not, and that you use only Hardcore tracks from the 90s era.
Because there are many mixes around now that try to blend 90s and post-2000 hardcore in one way or the other. While these mixes may have merits in their own way, the focus should be especially on the 90s decade here - so these mixes would fit better to some other place.

If you have more questions, or want to contact me for any other reason: low.entropy.80@gmail.com

But for now: Check the list!

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