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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Low Entropy goes AI

The advent of AI is blazing through the world right now, and I got involved and played around with it, too.

So here are four or five things:

"Cosmic Love's Surreal Fusion"

A track that was created, to the most part, by an AI, while I served as the producer and mixing engineer of the track (check the release for how much of it was created by the AI).
The style is Oldschool 90s Gabber with a strong "Happy Hardcore" influence (hehe), notably with the lyrics written by the AI, and the female voice coming from an AI, too.
And, with all humbleness, I think it's closer to actual Hardcore / music / tracks than most "AI generated" experiments so far!


"You are a Hardcore DJ"

A decide-your-own-destiny (hehe) type of e-book whose content and stories were generated by an AI. About the surreal adventures of a Hardcore DJ. To be continued!


"Rave Rhapsody: The Hardcore Techno Odyssey"

Another decide-your-own-destiny thing. But instead of an e-book that you can read online (or offline), it is an adventure computer game that you can play inside ChatGPT! (With no further programs or apps needed). Just copy and paste the game into your ChatGPT session.
Again, the theme are cosmic and strange Hardcore Techno escapades.


"Conversation with Enara"

Okay, this one is not Hardcore, or even Music related (well, actually, it vaguely is).
But I thought I should include it anyway.
A SciFi book that was written to 99% by an AI while I served more or less as the "producer", too (and the one who had to do all the editing and things! It was a lot of work!).
The e-book features the story of an astronaut who visits a different planet, and then encounters a hologram of an alien race inside a temple. In the following conversation (with Enara), the hologram then thoroughly explains humans concepts such as "love" or "truth", but also alien concepts like Zeyphyrion, Echolight, or the Quantrix.



A cosmic horror-themed graphic novel generated by an AI. this is music related again, as it got its own soundtrack release on Slowcore Records, which can be found here: 


The e-book is included in the release, but can also be found here seperatedly:


Okay, so these were just some projects. Maybe I'll talk about more of them later, and I supposed there will be many more to come, in the future, too!

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