My E-Books

I also write e-books about Hardcore Techno of the past, politics connecting to the Hardcore scene, and plenty of other topics.

My e-books include:

The Hardcore Primer - An Extensive Guide To 90s Underground Hardcore Techno Labels And Artists

Intended as a guidebook for people newly interested in the 1990s Hardcore scene, and those that want to dig deeper.

Legends In Their Life - The Unofficial PCP Book

A collection of texts I wrote on the PCP label and Doomcore; includes topics such as the artwork of PCP, rare and lost projects, record reviews...

The Hardcore Condition

A book about Experimental Hardcore in the 90s; labels, records, artists... background information and reviews.

Hardcore Techno And Anarchist Theory

My attempt to draw a connection between Hardcore and anarchism; explores political topics and those of art and culture in general. Tries to give an anarchist spin on the realm of art.

Anarchism Beyond Modernism

Anarchism, as a political movement, is more or less defined by being a phenomenon of the "modern era"; here I try to put some perspectives onto anarchism that transcend the whole "modernist", 19th, 20th century mindset.

Der Paradiesplanet Und Andere Geschichten

Mostly a collection of SciFi short stories I wrote about the "Paradise Planet", the only existing and functioning anarchist planet in the galaxy; also includes a few other stories. Only in German language yet, sorry!

Partly at

Gugu Und Mehr

A collection of surreal short stories and kind of dada-ist, "nonsense" poems and lyrics which focus more on the sound of words and noises than on their meaning; again, only in German language; although, the poems are actually not in any real language at all.

Exorcism Survivor

A very personal book about my childhood trauma, mx mental health problems, my exorcism experience, and the impact all this had on my music.

Lowering Entropy

A closer look at my music and the ideas behind it.

A Hardcore Retrospective - Hardcore Techno In The 90s

A closer look at the 90s Hardcore scene, both local (Hamburg), and global (the 90s internet Hardcore scene).

I had help by Daniele Di Stasi on the layout of two of these books.

You can also download 6 e-books be my at once, in PDF format, if you download my release "Hardcore By The Book" at

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