Being a producer in the modern day is a quite peculiar experience. In the past, you played in front of a crowd, and you had direct feedback regarding your music.
Today, 99% of the stuff is online.
And now there is no real feedback!
You upload tunes to youtube or put out stuff on bandcamp... and then? Nothing!
Does anyone listen?
Does anyone care?
Yeah there are "viewcounts", "plays", and, if you are on social media, "likes", but these numbers tell you nothing.
Could be people who are genuinly interested in your music, yes, or the viewcounts could rise up because of a misguided bot or a glitch in the program.
To me, it feels like all the work I do, on music and anything else, gets thrown into a void, and no sound or echo ever returns from this nothingness.
So far, I had taken the stance: l'art pour l'art - who cares if 1,000, 1, or zero people enjoy it, just carry on regardless.
Because art should not be about fame and popularity, right?
But then I realized this is a quite anti-human and anti-social point to take.
Modern technology does not only cut you off from the "masses", that artists of the past were still able to reach. This might be a boon.
But it also cuts you off from genuine connections with people who might share your interests and mind. And this is not a boon.
Because such connections are not about a "rise to fame" but could seriously improve actual art, and actual lives.
So I ask you:
Is there anybody out there?
Someone who likes what I do?
Or not?
Because I have no way of knowing!
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