Thursday, September 26, 2024

New Patreon

When I started doing music, my idea was to put as much money into it as I would get out of it - to arrive at a kind of "zero sum" activity. But, of course, in 27 years of producing, gigging, running labels, writing books, and other things, I spend a lot more money on these things than I gained by them - so this "zero sum" idea fell flat very quickly.

The consequence was that I had to "keep my budget" as tight as possible - to use freeware software for music production, to use websites that allow a "free" subscription / plan, i.e. to avoid any type of gear, app, service, activity that would cost money.

I got by this way; I got by very well. But to be honest, this was only possible because people intervened a lot and said "hey, I like your art, and want to gift you this!". Not necessarily money in every case, though.

But nowadays, free software and free internet sites become rarer and rarer; and as I delve into *bigger* projects, I often hit walls and corners where I realize; there are things which would need *money* in order to get ahead.
This could be as "simple" as having to spend money to get a good video editing software. Or an app for digital image work.
Or, of course, better sound gear and programs.

Thus, if you like what I do, and what I did so far, maybe you are interested in supporting me financially. I promise I will put all money gained this way into future projects. And maybe I can finally get some "bigger" projects off the ground this way.

There are 2 basic ways you can support me:
Join my patreon:

Or donate money via paypal to the address:

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