Friday, September 27, 2024

The Bite of the Spider

Music Video to the track "Αναρχία Αραχνοειδείς - The Bite of the Spider - Chapter 5".
Released on Slowcore Records:

New Mix-Set Ambient to Gabber

One of the defining aspects of Hardcore is that it crosses over into both "Light" and "Dark" territories; unlike genres such as e.g. Black Metal that is rarely cheerful, or Eurodance, which is rarely dark and disturbing (maybe by its innate cheesiness!).
Because of this, we did a serious of features on this positive / negative entanglement.
This mix is another attempt to illustrate it.

It starts with calm, soothing, tranquil ambient sounds; builds up into elated trance, rave, and acid sounds; then walks towards gabber euphoria.
Then, uh oh, things start to turn around.
Disturbing Doomcore and Darkcore sounds make their entry. And we slowly crawl towards infernal noise Terror.
But, as an old proverb said: "even this shall pass".
Another transfiguration happens, and we ascend from this void, into sweet electro sounds. And, finally, the music arrives at ambience tranquility again.
We have come full circle.

Thus it's a conceptual set, spanning a mixed bag of genres.
Connected to its philosophical theme; that, in life too, tenebrous and bright things, feelings, events, are all part of a one-sided coin; and, as you traverse your own life, you might find yourself drifting to one extremity and then to the other; but in each case, you will always return to the core.


1.Alien Factory - Alpha Music
2.Negative Burn - Gates of Heaven
3.The Alternative Creators - Sound Creationn (Nervosa Mix)
4.Church Of Extacy - Passion
5.Mindviper - Messiah 2000
6.Perplexer - Church of House (Heaven & Hell Mix)
7.Masters Of Rave - Pump It (Like A Master) (12 Rave Mix)
8.Frozen - Out of the Light
9.The Possessed - Manipulator
10.Noface - Master of the Lost Souls
11.Freez-e-Style - Enter The Gates Of Darkness
12.Negative Burn - Gates Of Hell
13.Disciples Of Annihilation - Unleash The Brutality
14.Igor - Talking about God
15.Reign - Light And Dark (The Next Dimension)
16. The Mover - Signals of Hope
17.Quench - Redemption (Ambient)
18.Frozen - Into the Light
19.Mindviper - The Salvation
20.Alien Factory - Return

Pro-Tip: Play this set on "looped repeat" to truly experience this cycle of sounds!

The Hardcore Overdogs Compilation 2

This is another release employing our "Slowcore2Speedcore concept"; starting low, slow, and heavy, then getting into industrial and doomcore sounds, finally venturing into speedy and terror-core areas, experimental, and noise (while still being heavy).

Combining all the possible sounds of Doomcore Records, Slowcore Records and Omnicore Records united.
But not only the styles are "all over the map", the artists are as well, heralding from Belgium, Germany, England, Ukraine, other places, and even outer space!
So if you are in for a release that is "a bit different" from the Techno and Gabber mainstream, why not pay a visit to these soundscapes, too?

This compilation is released in support of The Hardcore Overdogs "E-Zine for great and / or underrated Hardcore Techno past and present!"
Read all about it here:

Omnicore Records 51
Slowcore Records 50
Doomcore Records 209


1. T.LenC.Phal.X - Etendue de Vortex 08:44
2. James F - Into The Darkness 04:39
3. Anders - Acond (250 bpm) 05:45
4. T.LenC.Phal.X - Des Points de Suspension... 09:23
5. Kolium - Aztec Death Whistle (91.11 bpm) 06:29
6. Le Pamp - Hell On Earth (165 bpm) 04:39
7. Anders - Untitled (201 bpm) 05:42
8. James F - Evil Rises 05:04
9. Le Pamp - Endless Summer 04:34
10. Low Entropy - Slowcore Doomcore Resistance (120 bpm) 08:00
11. Cosmic Anarchists - Chaos Star B 10:05

Thursday, September 26, 2024

New Patreon

When I started doing music, my idea was to put as much money into it as I would get out of it - to arrive at a kind of "zero sum" activity. But, of course, in 27 years of producing, gigging, running labels, writing books, and other things, I spend a lot more money on these things than I gained by them - so this "zero sum" idea fell flat very quickly.

The consequence was that I had to "keep my budget" as tight as possible - to use freeware software for music production, to use websites that allow a "free" subscription / plan, i.e. to avoid any type of gear, app, service, activity that would cost money.

I got by this way; I got by very well. But to be honest, this was only possible because people intervened a lot and said "hey, I like your art, and want to gift you this!". Not necessarily money in every case, though.

But nowadays, free software and free internet sites become rarer and rarer; and as I delve into *bigger* projects, I often hit walls and corners where I realize; there are things which would need *money* in order to get ahead.
This could be as "simple" as having to spend money to get a good video editing software. Or an app for digital image work.
Or, of course, better sound gear and programs.

Thus, if you like what I do, and what I did so far, maybe you are interested in supporting me financially. I promise I will put all money gained this way into future projects. And maybe I can finally get some "bigger" projects off the ground this way.

There are 2 basic ways you can support me:
Join my patreon:

Or donate money via paypal to the address:

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

90s Hardcore Gabber and Speedcore Revival

It started a few years ago: a growing interest in the hardcore, gabber, rough electronic sounds of the 1990s.While the focus was at first towards the more dance-y, mainstream aspects of this scene, the explorers of this realm are excavating more and more stuff by now; we not only see a revival of early hardcore and gabber, but also of the underground, speedcore, acidcore, "terror" material.

this thing is getting huge man, and recently gabber beats began to blast into mainstream media and the public eye, with movie directors, famous pop stars, and everyone else really, starting to adopt these sounds.

is this development good or bad? you be the judge. but it's been a wild wild ride my friend, and we definitely desire to jump in, to surf on this train, and look where it leads us - into salvation, darkness, or both?

this is a 8 part release. the centerpiece is a megamix of (new!) hardcore revival tracks in the 1990s style (with some modern twists and production, too).
it starts slow at 180 bpm, begins to climb steadily, 200 bpm, 240 bpm, 260 bpm, and then lifts of into oblivion.
and there are also 7 pieces from this mix as stand-alone tracks - maybe useful for DJs or listeners at home.
Either way: enjoy and bon voyage!

also check part 1:


Saturday, September 7, 2024


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Producer's Diary

Do you remember my album "Nocturnal Missions" that was put out on Gabbaret Records earlier this year?
I kept a producer's diary for it, and it's now online!
So you can learn some productions tricks & stuff :-)

Check it out here!

"Producer's Diary - Creating a Hardcore Techno Album to be Released on a Label (Nocturnal Missions)"

Btw also check my sample pack part 2 - Doomcore, Gabber, and Speedcore Bassdrums