Friday, August 30, 2024

Music and philosophy

As you know, my music is heavily inspired by topics from philosophy, politics, culture, history...
I try to put a lot of that into my tracks.
But I also write it down into text articles.
For over a decade, I've been putting most of these up on my website called "Thoughts On Some Things".
If you are interested in similar subjects, you might consider to check it out..
And if you're interested in my music, you can read more about the ideas that inform my production.

So here is the link:

And some topics that are especially dear to my heart:

The Self

you are perfect or: how to walk to the meaning of life

Life-Changing Dream

Love yourself

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Info from the label:

Another themed set from Low Entropy who is changing it up a bit for your listening pleasure. It's a special treat this time - Blackened Speedcore from start to finish, i.e. Speedcore tracks with Black / Death Metal influences (Or Black Metal bands that use Speedcore drums), by artists like Acid Enema, Legionz Ov Hell, or Aborym. Not for the faint hearted...

Support the Channel:

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Set list:
01. Acid Enema - Blackened Speedcore War
02. Blacklodge - Psychoactive Satan
03. Aborym - With No Human Intervention
04. Alien Deviant Circus - Hiranya - Garbha (Shakti)
05. Acid Enema - Austere Performance
06. Illness - Zaraza
07. Low Entropy - Scream For Me
08. Alien Deviant Circus - Ap (Nâda)
09. Helel - Cosmos Is Out Of Order
10. Legionz Ov Hell - Khult Ov Abaddon
11. Aborym - U.V. Impaler
12. Low Entropy & Countess M - Blackened Life Of A Speedcore Addict
13. Legionz Ov Hell - Tha Archangel Ov Hell
14. Low Entropy & Nullentropy - Redeemed By Hatred
15. Diabolicum - Salvation Through Vengeance
16. Sangre - As in Life So in Death

Friday, August 23, 2024

Hallowed Silence

Three new Slowcore Techno bangers by the one and only Der Cherep!

All tracks are 120 bpm.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Darkness between the stars dream

This is a dream I had a few years ago.
I was floating in space - in deep space to be more exact. It felt like the "middle of nowhere", on a universal scale. Suddenly, the darkness between the stars in front of me turned into a creature with a somewhat humanoid form (or rather, lack of form).
They gave off huge Luciferian / devilish vibes. And I was talking to them. But I can't remember what we talked about.

I was impressed by their sheer size.
This being seemed to be as huge as a whole galaxy.
It felt like the whole cosmos had turned into the devil.
Then I woke up.

I somewhat have an idea now, what the meaning of the dream could be.
When I had the dream, I was living a very isolated life. I was with withdrawing myself from the world, from humans, from society - maybe even reality. I tried to put my energy only into 'higher" ideals, art, morality. I consciously decided to choose the "ideal" over the "real".
I think in my dream, the cosmos represents - the cosmos, the real, the everyday world, nature, matter.
And because I despised all this at the time, in my world of dream logic my mind perceived "the cosmos, reality" to be a devilry itself. Yet I was still drawn to it, indicated by the fact that I was floating in it and talking to it.

I guess this was a possible meaning of the dream.
Nowadays I try to take a more healthy stance, I no longer try to live my life away from humans, but to roam in reality once more.

I tried to recreate the dream in this image. It is not quite exact, as the being was all black, dark, like a void. But I tried to put the mood of the dream across in this picture.

The dream was very influential in the creation of the following release:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Life-Changing Dream

I want to get back to a dream that I wrote down a while ago. You can read the whole thing here:

I want to especially address the following part:

"I fell through the floor, into the ground, and then into darkness.
I found myself in the middle of a dark void; absolutely nothingness. Yet it felt like an enclosed, walled darkness. I could sense barriers of the void in the distance above me, and around me.
Suddenly a white and glowing humanoid being walked to me; it looked scary, but also somewhat sacred. It extended its arm to me and held a key in its hand, offering it to me.
I decided to take the key.
The being disappeared. Instead a door was visible suddenly. While the door stood in the middle of the dark nothingness, I could see light coming through the cracks.
I walked to the door and opened it with the key.
When I walked through, I first thought I was in my hometown again. The place looked somewhat like an airport, or the outside of a large train hub."

The dream, and especially this segment, did not leave my mind for a long time. I pondered about it, trying to find a clue, interpretation, meaning.
Finally, something dawned on me. I think there is a "message" to be found here, or rather, a piece of information, a concept.
And I think this idea is one of the most important ideas I had in my whole life; maybe the most important one; and I think it's very important for others, too.

Let's take a closer look at it.
A first dream interpretation, of what's going on in this fictional realm, is this:

In my dream, I got somehow trapped in a void. A disastrous situation; a primal horror experience for most humans.
But not only was I stuck in a void, somehow there were also barriers enclosing me in the void, making an attempt at escape even further futile!
But just when all hope was lost, a mysterious being appeared, handed me a key. The key created a door, and I could escape.

It might be tempting to go for this explanation of the dream story.
But some parts of it do not make sense. First, a key does not *create* doors. Why did the door appear in the moment the being handed me the key? And where did it come from, if I was in a void? If I was in a void, why was I not falling? And how could there be barriers, if it is a void? There are more things to be said here. In the end, it doesn't make sense.

Now, I know a bit about dream logic, and especially the logic of "my" dreams.
I think dreams generally represent the mind of the dreamer, their thoughts, emotions etc.
And that especially I, or my "self" in the dream, is a representation of my mind.

Running along with this: if "I" sensed there are barriers in my dream, then it means my mind *thought* there are barriers. If I perceived I was in a void, then it means my mind thought it was in a void.

But these were just - thoughts. There was never a void. There never were any barriers. There was always an exit, a way out, an escape. And taking the key made me realize this. The door did not "appear"; there was always a passage and there never was an actual void or barrier. The "being" gifted me this epiphany.

Now, I want to explain why I came to this conclusion, and how the dream related to my real life.

I was going through a very shitty, horrible, depressing situation in my life. Part of it was not my fault, but caused by things that seemed to be out of my control, and especially how people treated me and how I responded to their behavior.

I thought I was stuck. I thought there was nothing I could do. I thought no one would ever help me.
But I finally realized: "No, that's not like it is. It seems like it is that way. Even on a rational level. But it can't be true. My mind is playing tricks on me. People can't be that bad, that negative, towards me. I will give it a try, and reach out for help, and put my faith in others again."

And, yes. It turned out that, in the end, it was really just in my mind. Others were sympathetic to me and tried to help me. I found solutions and ways to improve the state of things.

Yes, the horrible life situation I was in was very much *real* - in a sense. But the idea that I could not change it, that I could not rise above it, that others would not come to my "rescue" - was an illusion, bordering on the paranoid.

All these things, realizations, changes, happened around the time that I had this dream. And that's why I think the "message" of the dream is just like I said above.

Part 2

Okay - this might seem like i had a little psycho drama with myself, and the dream helped me to resolve it. You might say: "But, above that, maybe it's not that important, right?"
No, I completely disagree with that.
In the context above, it related to my situation and the problems associated with it.
But it goes beyond that. It relates to almost every situation in life - or maybe indeed *every* situation in life. It is a human, a civilizatory, maybe even cosmic universal.
Because people always imagine they are stuck. that they are enclosed. that they are in a bad situation and cannot escape. that they could not change negative things.

they might feel stuck in their job. in their hometown. in a relationship.
they might feel powerless against their government. against society. against the authorities.
they might be artists who think they will never amount to anything.
they might be people who they think they could never a life as happy as the "rich and famous" seem to do.
they might be violently oppressed by their government, their lives might be in actual danger, but they are scared and think they could not win and overthrow their society.

i could go an endlessly with this list of examples...
and it's never true. you are never powerless. your case is never hopeless. your fate, your future, is never pre-decided. you can always rise up. you can get out of everything. you can rise above everything.
above culture, above society, above oppression and violence and misery...

and the only reason most people fail to do so is because they *image* they could not do so.
they are imprisoned in their mind. they *belief* that they have no power, that they have no hope, that they have no future.
and of course, the ruling classes, the media, all authorities eagerly feed these false "beliefs" amongst the oppressed and miserable.
but it's just a belief. imagined. fictional. it's just in people's head.

and if you realize that this is just your own belief in your lack of options, abilities, possibilities - then nothing can stop you anymore, and you can finally be free.

of course, this is easier said than done. some of these false "beliefs" exist for thousand of years now - or even longer.
it seems to be one of the hardest things for a human being, to drop the belief that they are hopeless and powerless, and to finally get on their feet and struggle to break free.

but it can be done. the decision is all yours.

there is no void in your life. there are no walls, fences, barriers. there is always a passage, a door, and you have always been free. you just did not realize it yet.

so let's do it now.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Three-Way Split by Plinn 1518, PFP, Schnauz

When was the last time you heard a full-length album release of Experimental Hardcore? Doesn't happen so often, eh? Did it actually ever happen at all?
And because of this, we are thrice proud to present you this release on Omnicore Records!
Plinn 1518, pFp_mkrt, and Schnauz are three artists who occupy a liminal realm in between the sonic territories of hardcore, speedcore, noize, industrial, electronics, experimental... and this is exactly what you get on this release!
You get kicked hard by the bassdrums, and mind-warped by the waves, noises, soundscape... surreal, bizarre, and vicious.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive right into this trifurcate releases by three masters of mental hardcore noise!

20 Styles of Hardcore Techno in 7 minutes (From the Mainstream to the Obscure)

20 hardcore styles, genres and subgenres in 7 minutes, with audio examples and short explanations.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Low Entropy Sample Pack 2 - Doomcore, Gabber, and Speedcore Bassdrums

Heya, here is a new sample pack by me.
This time it's all about the bass!

43 different kickdrums.
Most are based upon the 909. But three 808 type kicks are included, too.


Load the wavs into your DAW, Sampler, whatever, and start banging.
Feel free to edit them, cut them, add EQ, effects or more reverb, in order to enhance them even further.
Note: due to the oldschool vintage distortion that I used, on some kicks an audible "click" sound can be heard. I don't mind this, but if it interferes with your production, cut it out or fade it off to fix this "issue".

The kicks should be suitable for most forms of Hardcore Techno and beyond; Gabber, Oldschool, Acidcore, Doomcore, Speedcore, Industrial, Slowcore, Breakcore, and so on...

To be more specific:

the "plain" kicks can be used to further manipulate them, distort them, whatever you like.
the "distortion" and "distortion + eq" kicks should be good for techno, gabber etc.
the "multi distortion" are good for speedcore terror, industrial and more.
"distortion + hall" are good for techno, acid, doomcore, slower genres...
"multi distortion + hall" are seriously messed up kicks that could be used for extreme slowcore or speedcore maybe.

but who am i to judge - employ them as you see fit.

Check out my earlier sample pack as well, in order to have some synths, basslines, percussions, fx (and more kicks) that you can use with these kicks:

why "only" 43 kicks?
I thought an approach of "less is more" works better here.
There should be enough variation to start working on a track right away in a multitude of genres.
And instead of me doing all possible iterations of eq, kick, hall, etc, and putting these into the pack, making things unnecessarily convoluted, these sounds can be used as a seed to build different variations of the kicks on your own, by running them through various effects and filters.


Feel free to use the bassdrums for any public, private, intimate, or commercial purpose.
Would be cool if you credit me, but it's not necessary.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

RIOT Radio Records Special Parcel Unboxing!

Unboxing video for a special parcel sent to me by RIOT Radio Records.

Out now: Matthias Koch - Filth -
Check RIOT Radio Records on Bandcamp -

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Hardcore Techno Rebels

Out now on Gabbaret Records!
A true Hardcore Rebel release.
I tried to channel lot's of 90s core into the tracks - very analogue sounds, lots of acid, gabber kicks... but I also tried to derail these tropes and structures ('Lunatic on the Run' is definitely a second theme to this release).
Thus it's angry hardcore terror straight into your face! (At least I hope that it is ;-)

11 tracks, speedcore and slower tracks, 1 full album!

Best Wishes,

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Speedcore Experiments From Outer Space


Low Entropy - Speedcore Experiments From Outer Space

Out now!
This is a "genre" I call "progressive speedcore": long-size tracks close to 10 minutes of runtime, lots of twists, variations, experiments... tempo changes and ambient passages... "prog rock" ideas meet speedcore sounds and productions :-)

From the label's promo:

"Doomcore Records mogul, breakcore pioneer and speedcore enthusiast Low Entropy gives us the fast and furious kickdrum cinema of "Speedcore Experiments From Outer Space". Speedcore and industrial hardcore swirling and soaring majestically through colourful galaxies of angelic pads and goth nostalgia."

Friday, August 2, 2024

Love Destroys All Hierarchies

The Cosmic Anarchists deliver the longest Hardcore track ever - with a runtime of over 58 minutes!
And what a track it is... shaking, shifting, morphing from doomcore beats in one minute to speedcore and breakcore noise in the next, then back to dark ambient, techno, spoken word... and much much more...
a daring composition, serpentine, labyrinthine.

total chaos at first sight with a hidden order and harmony beneath the surface.
cosmic longing fueled by anarchist desire...

because... you know... love destroys every hierarchy!

So who would say we don't publish ambitious projects?

the release comes in two "variants".
the full, "almost 1 hour" tracks for easier (continuous!) listening.
and the same track, cut into 11 different chapters, for easy access.

and, we repeat once again: "longest hardcore track ever!"

so, my fiery love rebels with the starry eyes - this one is surely for you!

RIOT Radio Records

Hey Hey,
There is a new vinyl release out on RIOT Radio Records - the "Filth" EP by Matthias Koch.
It's full of filthy Techno, Hardcore, maybe even a bit Acid-ic...
And there is a remix by yours truly on it, too!

You can also get a digital version with 2 extra tracks.
But the DJs should go for the vinyl to spin, of course :-)

Sönke / Low Entropy

Thursday, August 1, 2024