Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fight the fascist threat!

Fascists are at the doorsteps to Europe (and other places in the world) now. They are well-organized and have the ability to take over political power. But the majority of society is just looking on.

The reason for this is that most people are stuck in their internet bubble; they think nazis are these strange guys from movies and TV, with strange clothes and strange ways of talking; villains, yes, but more like comedy villains, no real threat.
They think this fascist rise of power is just another bizarre thing that will eventually pass.

But the truth is that when the fascists are in power, they will come for you, they will come for your friends, they will come for your family. and they will kill you. this is no joke, this is not something that will just disappear by itself. the danger is very real, and your life is in peril right now, and that of millions of other people, too.
Just look at what the real-life nazis did before and during world war ii .

and don't be egoistical - if you do not worry for your own life or your social group, then think of all the people the nazis will kill after they come to power that you might not know, but that need to be protected and fought for, too.

it's a race to the death, really, and if the fascists truly win, then it's game over.

but it's not too late - yet. we can still fight the nazi menace. if we put all our energies together, if we connect forces, cooperate. be smart, be clever, be tenacious.

the world is at a turning point now; so please join the good fight, and give it all you have.
if not, then it is very likely too late for you - and the rest of humanity, too.

in light of the european elections, where right wing, nazi and fascist parties are predicted to gain huge sweeps, i created this new version of my track "hardcore against afd". and here it is.

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