Tuesday, January 7, 2025


I was invited by Stookhoksessies and did a dark and doomy Techno / Club / House mix!

01. The Overlord - Move My Bod-E
02. Superpower - S.T.R.O.B.E.
03. I-F - Envy
04. I-F - Shadow Of The Clown
05. Unit Moebius - Penetrator
06. Lorenz Attractor - Shadow Fax
07. Reign - A Better Tomorrow
08. Reign - Hall (Huge Mix)
09. Reign - Hall (Maximum Mix)
10. Brixton - Acid 1 Track 10


Monday, January 6, 2025

Drum machine app for the r36s game console

Hey Hey,
We got a very special treat for you!
There is a new drum machine app for the r36s game console - and I was asked to provide the drum sounds and samples for it!

There is 9 drum kits / styles in total:

1. Hardcore
2. Techno
3. Gabber
4. Acid
5. Doomcore
6. Speedcore
7. Slowcore
8. Industrial Madness
9. Drum Jam

You can trigger the drums with the control pad of the console, or you can program a sequence, change the bpm etc.

So you're able to blast off a real hardcore drum machine on the r36s!
Ever thought about doing a Hardcore, Speedcore, or Techno live act on a game boy-style portable console? Now is your chance!

Each of these kits have 8 different sounds attached to them (and the buttons of the handheld).
Not just bass drums, but percussion, sounds, basslines, FX, noize... so you can apply them in a two-fold way: use the r36s as a drum machine to supplement the rest of your set up (synths etc.), or you can play complete tracks on the console itself!

Here is the link for the app + instructions:

(Note: this beta version only has 1 drum kit yet)

And check these preview videos to get a better idea of the drum machine app and the console:

Friday, January 3, 2025

Intelligence of Doom

DJ AI & Low Entropy - Intelligence of Doom

The world's third Doomcore Techno album that was co-created by an Artificial Intelligence!
Released by the very cool label Gabbaret Records in the Netherlands.


ChatGPT wrote the notes, melodies, harmonies, rhythms, sequences, and I did some mixing, jamming, and engineering...
It's astonishing what is possible with the new technology of AI!

And again, I logged everything about the production process in diaries and tutorials.
So you can do the same!

Tutorial: How to create a whole Doomcore Techno album in collaboration with ChatGPT that gets released on a label in just 3 hours


Hardcore evolved out of Techno.
There was no sudden quantum leap or fault line. Around the turn of the 1980s into the 1990s, Techno, Acid, House, EBM, just got harder and faster, and slowly, the Hardcore genre took shape.

There was a liminal style in the early days of the 90s; not quite Hardcore or Gabber yet, but also not belonging to mellow House stuff anymore.
Neither half-baked, though; a fully fledged style of music that was at times more diverse and open to possibilities than the later gabber rigidity.

And that's what this release is about.

A true rave-techno banger by newcomer Gnosvled from South America.
Welcome back to the days of rave signals, techno beats, clonks, hoovers, warped sirens, shuffle hats and o fortuna.

But is it future, or is it past?


“Occult Techno-Rave”

Inspired by Belgian Techno 91’, New Beat, Hardcore/Rave, 90s Boss Music, Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima, Pulp Magazines, Occult Lore

All tracks by: Gnosvled
Sound Advisor: Srgeon
Special thanks to: BSQ

Additional mastering by Low Entropy

Cover design by Gnosvled, based on The Fall of Phaeton (1604) by Sir Peter Paul Rubens; Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Omnicore 56

“Out of the distance, from the direction of the caverns, came a vast humming, a drone rising to a shrieking wail which tortured the ears; then, falling below the range of hearing, became an unheard sound that shook the brain and every nerve to the verge of madness. Closer drew that droning, traveling with projectile speed. It paused overhead and came to rest directly above the Temple. Up rose the maddening note, then down and up and down. 

And suddenly all the space between earth and the lurid sky was shot through with rays of dull red light. They seemed rigid, those rays striated. They tore at the eyes as the drone tore at the brain.”

-The Face in the Abyss (1931), by A. Merritt